We’re excited to announce our partnership UWIM x RACIB

UWIM Official
5 min readSep 11, 2021


in July 2021, UWIM blockchain ecosystem joined the list of partners of the Russian Association of cryptoeconomics, artificial intelligence and blockchain
The Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain (RACIB), which is the only public organization in the Russian Federation representing the interests of representatives of the crypto industry, announces the launch of a project for the transit of computing resources of world mining to the Russian Federation.

Russia is one of the top five countries in terms of total electricity production (~ 1100 TWh ) and has a number of unique features of the development of the energy complex:

  • a high degree of centralization of the Russian energy system — about 90% of the total electricity is generated by large power plants;
  • a large excess of electricity in the Russian Federation; depending on the specific region and the generating facility (even taking into account the high degree of wear and tear of the power plant equipment and power redundancy), it may amount to more than 50% of its installed electric capacity;
  • cold climate, which provides the possibility of organizing equipment cooling without the use of special refrigeration units (free cooling) and high energy efficiency of data centers;
  • excess of traditional fuel and energy resources;
  • the specifics of socio-economic factors — a high level of professionalism of specialists;
  • large territories with a low density of settlements — the possibility of deploying large energy and infrastructure facilities.

All this provides additional advantages and attractiveness for large foreign investments in the Russian energy complex, provides the best conditions for the formation of specialized clusters on the territory of the country that support global cryptocurrency networks and the infrastructure of the global digital economy.

To promote and implement this project, RACIB closely cooperates with the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, regions, as well as with state corporations. To date, several working groups have been formed together with state structures of the energy complex and state Corporations.

For example, one of the RACIB working groups is developing an eco-mining project for the construction of mining farms powered by” green “ electricity by power plants based on renewable energy sources. In addition to hydro and nuclear energy, which make up about 40% of the total energy balance of the country, new sources of electricity are also being considered, for example, on the basis of wind generation.

Currently, this industry has received a serious impetus for development due to the latest developments in the field of composite materials. In 2021 In the Russian Federation, 1,158 MW of new generation of wind farms have been built in the Ulyanovsk, Rostov regions, in the Stavropol Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia and Adygea. The most promising site is located in the Rostov region (Kamensky district), where the largest wind farm in the Russian Federation with a capacity of more than 300 MW is located.

Together with these structures, a list of the most suitable objects that are in a high degree of readiness for the construction of data processing centers and mining farms (in the horizon of 2–3 months) with a total capacity of more than 2 GW has been formed today.

The search and organizational structuring of projects for the formation of new platforms for foreign investors continues. It is expected that in the near future the total capacity of such sites will approach 6 GW

As an executive unit of the project of migration of mining resources to the Russian Federation, RAKIB will coordinate the efforts of various government departments of the Russian Federation, key energy enterprises and foreign business partners.

Currently, the largest foreign partner of RAСIB in this project is a Consortium of the largest mining companies in China, which together control more than 25% of the global hashrate of the main cryptocurrencies and, first of all, Bitcoin.

The transfer of these computing capacities to the territory of the Russian Federation will allow us to dramatically increase the share of the domestic presence in the global market of Digital economy infrastructure, breaking out into the leaders (from the 3rd place with ~ 7% of the world market share at present), providing our country with an appropriate position in the global labor division market

n the other hand, the current socio-economic conditions in East Asia, the lack of energy capacity in the region, and as a result, the active migration of miners from China, who controlled more than 60% of the world’s mining, to other countries, primarily to the United States and Canada (characterized by low electricity costs and a crypto — asset-friendly policy), should provide a more decentralized network format of the main digital currency-Bitcoin.

The rapid inclusion of Russia in this process will avoid another concentration of mining resources in one region, in this case already in North America, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the stability and security of the entire global digital economy, of which cryptocurrency networks are an integral part, supported by the resources of miners around the world.

RACIB is the association that unites members of the Russian crypto market, created to integrate blockchain technology and products developed on its basis into the economy of our country.
The membership of our organization includes over 2000 members and participants representing various directions of development of the industry: cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, mining, ICO and crowdinvesting.
We coordinate the business activities of our members, represent and protect the common interests of the industry in dialogue with the state authorities of the Russian Federation.
The initiative to create RACIB came from the members of the Russian crypto industry, the idea was supported at the level of the country’s leadership.
The President of the Association is currently Yuri Pripachkin, who heads the Board of RACIB, the Executive body of the Association, consisting of vice-presidents.
Representative offices of the Association operate in 15 regions of the Russian Federation. In 2018, a representative office of RACIB was opened in Switzerland.
We are in a constant dialogue with representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank, agencies responsible for the financial and info communication industry of our country.

The main form of our work is: participation in the development of the legal framework, expertise and evaluation of technological projects created on the basis of blockchain technology, assistance in the implementation of digitalization of the Russian economy, development of the industry standards and certification of the market participants.

We try to convey the industry’s position as fully as possible by holding and participating in public events, preparing analytical information distributed through mass media and social media, open dialogue with government agencies during parliamentary hearings, expert meetings and meetings in ministries, departments, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.


